Food Bags Distribution in Sta. Rosa Elementary School, Barangay San Vicente
January 20, 2019

The food bag distribution was held in Sitio Sta. Rosa, a small community in Brgy. San Vicente. Most families living in this community are indigenous people of Sablayan, the ‘Mangyans‘. They heavily rely on farming and forest picking for their livelihood. Unlike other elementary schools, classes here are only half-day. This gives children more time in the afternoon to help their parents in the farm, collect firewood , fetch water from the stream or river and go to the forest to hunt or gather edible plants.
To minimize, if not avoid sending children to the forest, the school administration set up a communal garden where they grow different variety of vegetables, herbs and some fruits. The harvest can provide extra food for children ,which to some extent can help lessen financial burden of their families. Moreover, havinga nearby garden is more practical and secured to children than the long walks, wild animal encounters and dangerous terrains in the mountain.
However, due to increasing severity and frequency of weather related events which affects their livelihood and source of food, families cannot always provide for the children. The food bag which contains biscuits, cans of sardines, noodles and chocolate milk powder , although will not be sufficient to feed the children for a longer period, can help families to have something to eat particularly during bad weather conditions. The distribution was also accompanied by short program with games prepared by volunteers for the children.
In behalf of the children and their parents, we would like to thank all the donors, volunteers, teachers and community who made this activity possible.Through your help we managed to distribute a total of 122 food bags to schoolchildren.
Maraming salamat po!
Below are pictures taken from the activity.