Typhoon Relief Distribution in Sitio Sibol-Sibol , Barangay Tuban
December 15, 2019

Another community that was badly hit by Typhoon Tisoy (‘Kammuri’ ) is Sitio Sibol-Sibol, a low-income settlement area located in Barangay Tuban, around 30 minutes away from Sablayan Town Proper. Strong winds and days of heavy rains inflicted substantial damage to most homes, and livelihood which heavily relies on farming.
Sitio Sibol-Sibol is one of the new, predominantly farming communities in the municipality. ‘Sibol’ is a Tagalog word for ‘bud’ or ‘growth’, and a depiction of how the area was established into a settlement. It was an undeveloped land until people from town proper moved and settled in the area in 2015. Now, it is a home of around 100 families who solely relies on farming for their livelihood.

Several days after the typhoon, families struggle to get back on their feet , and damage to livelihood is driving them even more to poverty. Since most of the households rely on their harvest for sustenance, they cannot rebuild their homes and provide food for the family. Damaged to crops means that some farmers who probably had to borrow money for crops about to be harvested would not be able to repay their debts. And even if they completed the planting cycle, it would be difficult to earn more from harvest because of the low selling price of rice which is being influenced by new rice importation policies. Given these financial constraints, they have no choice but to borrow money again to purchase seeds, fertilizer and utilization of farming equipment. This could lead to even more loans that could push them into a cycle of debt , limiting access to food, safe shelter, and welfare of young children.
To help these families, especially those with vulnerable young children, persons with disability and old persons, Donate-2-Create organized house visits to see their situation and distributed food bags to seventy- one (71) families. The food bags contain rice and non-perishable goods such as sardines, instant noodles and coffee.
We appreciate all the efforts of all the volunteers, generous donors and people who helped us bring not only food assistance , but also community spirit and hope to these families.
Below are some snapshots taken from the relief activity.